Building Biktrix
Roshan Thomas, CEO and Founder, was looking for an easy way to commute to work in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. As an avid DIY’er and motorcyclist, Roshan spent a lot of time rebuilding vintage motorcycles. Annoyed with a carburetor on one of the gas-powered motorcycles that he was working on, Roshan was determined to build himself an electric motorcycle. After basic research, he soon discovered that an e-motorcycle would be cost-prohibitive to build.
During this time, Roshan was travelling to Europe frequently and had a chance to ride an eBike on one of his trips. Impressed by how well they worked, he decided to build his own electric bike. He built two bikes with conversion kits that were available in Asia. Though they were far from perfect, Roshan was getting a lot of attention riding around town and it soon became clear that there was a demand for electric fat bikes.